No Win No Fee | 24-Hour Support | 100% Compensation

Doctor & Solicitor

Dr Anthony Barton is joint editor of the book “Clinical Negligence” and is one of the leading medical negligence experts in the UK. He is a founder member of the Society of Doctors in Law and will work on your case.

Experienced Nurse

Liz Durrant is a qualified nurse with ward based and district nursing experience. Liz’s experience is invaluable in nursing and residential home cases such as pressure sores.

Medical Negligence Expert

Andy Hogan manages Medical Negligence Team and if you call us you will most likely speak to Andy, Sue or Liz. Andy has over 10 years’ medical negligence experience working alongside Anthony.

Your Medical Negligence Team

Our in-house medical negligence expert (Dr Anthony Barton) also co-edits one of the UK’s leading medical negligence books. Choosing industry leading professionals to make sure you get the most compensation possible is essential.

3 Reasons We’re The Best Choice For Your Case

  • Leading Medical Negligence Experts
  • You Always Keep 100% of your Compensation
  • Strict No Win No Fee Policy

“CLINICAL NEGLIGENCE” (6th edition) co-edited by Dr Anthony Barton, Medical Negligence Team.

Medical Negligence Claim Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case. This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

We fight for our clients!

“My pharmacy incorrectly gave me fast acting insulin causing problems with my blood sugars which made me very unwell for one month until the mistake was discovered. Medical Negligence Team Law quickly settled my claim and I received 100% of the compensation with no deductions.”

Mr G.W, Lincolnshire

“I fractured my wrist and Barts Hospital Trust in London failed to arrange appropriate follow up in the fracture clinic and as a result my surgery was delayed. Medical Negligence Team Law obtained all my medical records and radiology and quickly settled my claim. I received 100% of the compensation recovered with no deductions”

Mrs C.M, London

“Great service and communication from everyone at Medical Negligence Team Law throughout my claim. They handled my claim on a No Win No Fee basis and I received 100% of the compensation recovered.”

Miss A.W, Liverpool

“I needed surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. The NHS did the wrong operation first time round and they drained rather than remove the cyst. I then had to have a further operation to do the operation they should have done first time round with significant pain in between as the cyst came back. Medical Negligence Team quickly settled my claim. I received 100% of the compensation and was delighted with the service and communication throughout. They really are medical negligence experts”

Mrs T.S, South Yorkshire

Our Policy – You Keep Your Full Settlement

Because of our expertise, if your claim is successful, you get 100% of the compensation received. Just follow the advice we provide.

If your case is successful the negligent party will pay our costs so we don’t need to take anything from the compensation received. You get 100% of the compensation we receive on your behalf. Time is of the essence as claims are subject to limitation periods. In England and Wales medical negligence claims must generally be brought within 3 years of the medical injury or three years of knowledge of the facts giving rise to the negligence claim. Persons under a disability (lack capacity) are not subject to any limitation period. Children not under a disability will typically have until they reach 21 to start court proceedings.


“Medical Negligence Team Law quickly settled my medical negligence claim and I received 100% of the compensation recovered. I would highly recommend them.” – Miss PR, West Yorkshire

Yes, our team members are based in Leeds and London and we work on medical negligence claims across England and Wales.
If your claim is unsuccessful there is nothing to pay, you will not be charged anything.
If someone else tells you that you will have to pay up to 25% of your compensation to them that is an extra optional charge which almost all other companies make while also getting paid by the negligent party. We don’t agree with this additional charge and you will always receive and keep 100% of the compensation recovered.
Yes. If your claim is successful you will receive 100% of the compensation recovered, every penny. If your claim is successful, the negligent party will pay your legal fees, so you get 100% of the compensation recovered.

Our Process


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 246 1122 or request a callback here.

Medical Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. Typically the next step is to obtain your medical records for us to review.

Legal Letter

Once all your medical records have been received they will be reviewed by a medically and legally qualified member of our team. If there is evidence of medical negligence we will send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your medical negligence claim.