A cancer negligence claim is when you seek compensation for medical negligence in cancer treatment care. Cancer patients may suffer a misdiagnosis of cancer, a missed diagnosis of cancer, a delayed cancer diagnosis or negligence in cancer treatment, and could have a cancer negligence compensation claim. 

Medical negligence is medical care below a standard any other medical professional would provide. Your doctor, oncologist and NHS hospital owe you a duty of care; it could be cancer negligence when they breach that duty of care. 

You need prompt and accurate medical care when you have cancer. For the GP or oncologist to make an error in your cancer diagnosis or treatment could be medical negligence, and you may have a cancer claim for negligence. 

A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can take your cancer negligence compensation claim and get you the compensation you deserve.

What is cancer negligence?

Cancer negligence is when a medical professional provides you with cancer care below the standard any other medical professional would provide. It is medical care in your cancer treatment that may make a cancer worse or delay the beginning of treatment.

You could suffer cancer negligence when the oncologist fails to diagnose your cancer. It may be cancer negligence if the GP fails to refer you for further tests when you have symptoms of cancer. Cancer medical negligence claims happen from delays in treatment, or when the oncology team makes errors in your medication during chemotherapy.

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to the fight against cancer. For your oncologist, GP or other medical professionals to make errors in your diagnosis and treatment could be cancer negligence.

The following types of cancer frequently experience negligent care:

Medical Negligence Claim Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case. This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

Common Medical Negligence claims for cancer

Common medical negligence claims for cancer range from a missed diagnosis of cancer to errors with testing and medical negligence in your cancer treatment. To fight cancer, you need prompt and accurate medical attention, and to not get the correct medical treatment could be cancer negligence.

Cancer negligence can affect your life today and in the future. It can affect the lives of your loved ones, and you may be able to claim for cancer negligence if it happens to you.

Common claims for cancer negligence:

Common claims for cancer negligence

Cancer negligence by the GP

Cancer negligence by the GP can happen at the early, crucial stage of your cancer diagnosis when you need accurate and considerate care. Your GP is often the first person you meet when you could be suffering from cancer, and you need them to give you professional medical care.

Cancer negligence against a GP could be:

  • A misdiagnosis of your cancer as another condition
  • Failing to send you for further tests
  • Failing to refer you to an oncologist when you have symptoms of cancer
  • Failing to follow up on cancer tests with the hospital
  • Not prescribing the medications as ordered by an oncologist

Any cancer negligence by a GP can delay your cancer treatment or cause errors in your diagnosis and care when you have the disease.

Cancer negligence by an oncologist

Cancer negligence by an oncologist can have many effects on your cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery from the disease. Cancer misdiagnosis claims may happen when you are referred to an oncologist, and you need accurate care, but you receive negligent treatment by the hospital consultant.

Cancer negligence by an oncologist can be:

  • A failed diagnosis of cancer when you have any form of cancer
  • A failure to send you for further tests when you have symptoms of cancer
  • A misdiagnosis of your cancer
  • Not following up on test results in suspected cancer cases
  • Putting the patient on the incorrect course of cancer treatment

You may have a medical malpractice claim if you suffer medical care below a professional standard by your oncologist.

Cancer negligence in your cancer treatment

Cancer negligence in your cancer treatment could allow the cancer to grow and spread and could cost you valuable time in your fight against the disease. You may suffer cancer negligence in your cancer treatment by the GP or the oncology team, and you could suffer the effects for life.

Cancer medical negligence claims in your cancer treatment can be:

  • The oncologist orders the wrong treatment for the cancer
  • Errors during surgery for cancer
  • Errors with administering your cancer treatment medication
  • The oncology team giving you the incorrect medication
  • Cancellation of your cancer treatment due to an administrative error

If you experience cancer negligence in your cancer treatment, you may have a medical malpractice claim for compensation.

Are you eligible for compensation?

If you want to obtain compensation for the negligence you have suffered, we have a simple 3 step process to make sure you get the money you deserve

  • Take our online assessment & speak with our team

  • Our team of doctors and lawyers will undertake a full medical review based on your medical records

  • We will send a legal letter of claim and our solicitors will pursue your compensation on your behalf

All case reviews are 100% cost and commitment free.

Cancer negligence by the radiologist

Cancer negligence by the radiologist could have a crucial effect on the diagnosis and treatment of your type of cancer. The radiologist can play a vital role in your cancer treatment from day one, and if they are negligent in your care, it could affect you for life.

Cancer medical negligence claims by the radiologist can be:

  • Failing to make an accurate scan
  • Failing to follow the instructions of the oncologist
  • Failing to send the scan results to the oncology team
  • Making an error in keeping patient records
  • Not scanning the correct area of the body

You may have a medical negligence claim if you suffer errors by the radiologist in your cancer treatment.

Cancer negligence by the NHS hospital

Cancer negligence by the NHS hospital is not unusual and can happen at any stage in your cancer treatment. The NHS has strict guidelines on cancer treatment, from avoiding delays to ensuring patients get the correct treatment from day one.

Cancer medical negligence claims at a NHS hospital can be:

  • Not employing enough staff for cancer treatment
  • Delays in beginning your treatment due to administrative errors
  • Delays in your treatment due to cutbacks by the hospital trust
  • Failing to meet cancer treatment deadlines
  • Failing to stock chemotherapy medication for your treatment

If you suffer an NHS’ Never Event’ such as delays in your cancer treatment, you may have a cancer negligence claim for compensation.

Compensation for cancer negligence

In a cancer negligence claim, such as a cancer misdiagnosis claim or error in cancer treatment, you can seek compensation from the NHS in amounts from the low £10,000s to over £10 million in some cases.

The medical negligence by a GP, hospital doctor or oncologist may be due to poorly trained staff, the misreading of test results or fatigue, but your cancer diagnosis errors can have many effects on you, and you can claim for those effects today and in the future.

The compensation awarded when your oncologist makes an error with your cancer treatment or when the GP fails to refer you for further cancer testing depends on many factors, such as how much discomfort and disruption you experience in your life today and in the future.

Claims sometimes see very high awards, such as when a patient becomes very ill due to the wrong treatment or suffers unnecessary pain and anxiety due to a misdiagnosis of stomach cancer or leukaemia.

Compensation for cancer negligence can see awards of:

  • Skin cancer misdiagnosis by your GP – £23,890
  • A delayed diagnosis of breast cancer by an oncologist – £68,900
  • Delays in NHS hospital cancer treatment – £74,560
  • Diagnosis errors by the oncologist delay liver cancer treatment -£92,700
  • Treatment errors by an oncology team let bowel cancer spread – £126,940
compensation claim calculator

All amounts are approximate and are only a guide to what is possible in a cancer negligence claim. Figures can be high in some claims as you or a loved one could need long-term care, and you may face medical bills for life due to errors in treating cancer or errors in diagnosing your cancer.

You may be able to claim for these care expenses and the medical costs in the future with a cancer negligence case.

As in all medical negligence claims, each case is dealt with on merit and how much the patient suffers due to the medical negligence by the GP, hospital doctor or oncologist. 

A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will advise you on a cancer negligence claim. They will know from experience what your case may be worth and how to make a successful cancer compensation claim.

Schedule Your Callback

If you have been a victim of any form of medical negligence? We specialise in pursuing damages against negligent healthcare providers. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of medical negligence professionals.

Who is eligible for compensation in a cancer negligence claim?

The patient who suffers pain and anxiety and sees their cancer getting worse due to medical negligence may be eligible to claim cancer negligence compensation.

Medical negligence may make their cancer worse, or any subsequent poor medical treatment may also affect their recovery. A patient may need to undergo unnecessary surgery or lose the ability to care for themselves due to cancer negligence. A patient can claim compensation for the effects of the cancer negligence on their life today and in the future.

You, the patient, are the one to suffer due to the misdiagnosis of skin cancer or a missed diagnosis of bowel cancer in the crucial early stages. The medical negligence by the oncologist may cause the cancer to worsen or even put your life in danger.

Medical negligence may lead to psychological trauma, unnecessary pain, and further surgery. The patient may be unable to claim due to the effects of the cancer negligence, and their dependants may be able to make the compensation claim.

The loved ones in a cancer negligence case are known as ‘dependents’ and can be:

  • A spouse or former spouse of the injured person
  • Someone who lived with the patient for two years as a husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • Blood children adopted children or those who became children through marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents and those acting as parents, such as a guardian or step-parents
  • Grandparents or great-grandparents
  • Brothers, sisters, cousins, and other direct relatives

When you have a possible cancer negligence claim, your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can help make the case for compensation.

What can you claim for in cancer negligence compensation?

You can claim compensation for any damages that occurred when you sue for cancer negligence. 

There are two types of compensation damages due when suing for any kind of medical negligence, such as cancer negligence:

General Damages in a cancer negligence claim are when you sue for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity, PSLA, you have experienced due to a misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis, poor treatment or other form of medical negligence when suffering from cancer. 

  • Pain is that above what is normally expected for your condition, made worse by the cancer negligence 
  • Suffering is the inconvenience and changes to your life that cause you unnecessary discomfort when you experience cancer negligence
  • Loss of Amenity is any difficulty you have in doing everyday tasks, such as walking, sitting, playing sports, and sleeping.

Special Damages in a cancer negligence claim can include any loss of earnings, future care costs, and out-of-pocket expenses. 

  • Loss of earnings includes compensation for time off work and any reduction of your income in the future 
  • Future care costs are for any care you will need as a result of the cancer negligence, causing your cancer to worsen 
  • Out-of-pocket expenses cover medical appointments, travel, accommodation, and meals 

Be sure to keep payslips, receipts, and proof of any losses you experience due to the cancer negligence by the NHS hospital, GP, oncologist, and hospital doctor.

You deserve compensation to cover all losses, including loss of life for dependents, medical costs, and long-term care needs. 

When you or a loved one experiences unnecessary suffering due to cancer negligence by a medical professional, such as that caused by a misdiagnosis of stomach cancer, and you can claim medical negligence compensation.

medical negligence compensation types

Cancer misdiagnosis and late diagnosis

Cancer misdiagnosis and late diagnosis are often seen in cancer negligence compensation claims. You need an accurate and prompt diagnosis of any cancer, and the sooner you get a correct diagnosis, the better it will be for your long-term health. 


Cancer misdiagnosis in cancer negligence

Cancer misdiagnosis in cancer negligence is when the GP or oncologist gives you a misdiagnosis of cancer when you see them for treatment. 

A cancer misdiagnosis may be:

  • A diagnosis of another condition when you have cancer
  • Giving the patient the all-clear when they have cancer
  • A diagnosis of one type of cancer when they could have another cancer

Cancer misdiagnosis could put you on the incorrect treatment path and delay the beginning of your cancer treatment.

Late diagnosis of cancer in cancer negligence

A late diagnosis of cancer in cancer negligence is when the oncologist or GP gives you a cancer diagnosis later than when you should have been diagnosed. 

A late diagnosis of cancer can happen when:

  • The doctor misses a diagnosis of cancer when they first examine you
  • The oncologist does not read your test results accurately
  • The NHS hospital causes delays in your cancer tests and test results

A late diagnosis of cancer will lose vital time in your cancer treatment and may allow the cancer to spread to other parts of the body.

Our Process

Our team members have a higher career win rate with a 75% success rate on NHS letters of claim, compared to an industry average of 54.5%.


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 246 1122 or request a callback here.

Medical Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. Typically the next step is to obtain your medical records for us to review.

Legal Letter

Once all your medical records have been received they will be reviewed by a medically & legally qualified member of our team. If there is evidence of medical negligence we will send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your medical negligence claim.

How much can you claim for a cancer misdiagnosis or late cancer diagnosis?

You can claim compensation in amounts from the low £10,000s to over £10 million in a cancer misdiagnosis or late cancer diagnosis.

The amount you claim depends on the effects of the cancer negligence on you today and in the future.

Some claim amounts for cancer misdiagnosis and late cancer diagnosis negligence:

  • Misdiagnosis of bowel cancer as stomach cancer – £27,800
  • Misdiagnosis of lung cancer as a lung infection -£38,900
  • Misdiagnosis of skin cancer as simple sun damage – £67,500

(All amounts are approximate and are only a guide to what is possible in any cancer negligence claim. Figures can be high in some claims as you or a loved one could need long-term care, and you may face medical bills for life due to errors in treating cancer or errors in diagnosing your cancer.)

What are the potential effects of a cancer misdiagnosis or late cancer diagnosis?

The potential effects of a cancer misdiagnosis or a late cancer diagnosis can be severe, and you could suffer the effects for life. The cancer negligence of making any errors in your cancer diagnosis can be fatal if not corrected and can affect your loved ones, too. 

Potential effects of a cancer misdiagnosis or late cancer diagnosis can be:

  • Delays in making a correct diagnosis
  • Delays in beginning an accurate treatment for your cancer
  • The cancer spreads to other organs
  • Delays in recovery from your cancer
  • Reduced life expectancy

If you suffer cancer negligence in your diagnosis or timing of your cancer diagnosis, you may be able to make a claim for cancer negligence.

How to make a claim for cancer negligence

To make a claim for cancer negligence you need to follow the steps from seeking medical advice to contacting the medical professional responsible to issuing court proceedings, when all other means fail, against that medical professional. 

The steps are a part of any successful medical negligence compensation case, and settlement can happen at any stage in the process. 

Your medical negligence solicitor will do the rest when you follow the steps correctly and gather all the facts and figures.

Seek medical advice on the effects of the medical negligence and any unnecessary suffering you experience as soon as you realise you may be a victim of poor cancer care, a misdiagnosis of cancer or a missed diagnosis of cancer.

Contact a specialist medical negligence solicitor who operates on a No Win No Fee basis and tell them what went wrong. The right solicitor will look at the case, see where the problem lies, and advise if you have a claim for medical negligence. 

The Medical Negligence Team also have a 100% Compensation Guarantee scheme, where you get all the money awarded in a cancer negligence claim. 

You or a loved one suffered the medical negligence of cancer negligence, and you should get all the money due for the effects on your life today and in the future.

Your medical negligence solicitor obtains the medical records with your permission. By reading the records, they will confirm if they think you have a valid claim for cancer negligence. 

The medical negligence team will know from your medical records if the case will result in compensation being paid.

The medical negligence solicitor sending a letter of claim to the negligent party is the next step. The letter will ask them to admit the medical negligence in what is known as ‘sending a letter of claim.’ 

When the negligent party receives the letter of claim, they have up to four months to provide a written response.

Getting a response from the negligent party’s insurer will move the compensation claim closer to a conclusion. 

The insurer will either admit to the claim of cancer negligence or say they intend to defend the case. Deciding to defend the claim is known as ‘deny liability’ in legal terms. 

If they admit liability, your medical negligence claim can be valued, and the two parties will meet to decide on the cancer negligence compensation payment. 

Your solicitor will negotiate with the negligent party and use their experience to get the compensation you deserve for any medical negligence in your cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Issuing court proceedings is the next step if they deny liability in your claim for medical negligence in your cancer diagnosis and cancer care. 

Going to court happens, too, when they are not prepared to pay a fair amount for the damages you or your loved ones suffered. Your medical negligence solicitor issues the court proceedings.  

Remember that less than 1% of medical negligence cases end up in court, and very few of those cases ever make it to the courtroom.

making a medical negligence claim

We fight for our clients!

“I am happy to accept the £3,000 compensation, I just want to thank you for helping me with this! Your service has been amazing!”

Miss M.P., West Yorkshire

“My pharmacy issued me with quetiapine rather than venlafaxine which had a significant impact on my mental health. Andy, Anthony and the team at Medical Negligence Team were incredibly helpful and obtained compensation for the pain and suffering I endured as well as payment for loss of earnings. They paid all the compensation, 100%, to me. I would highly recommend them.”

Mrs S. R., Peterborough

“My pharmacy incorrectly gave me fast acting insulin causing problems with my blood sugars which made me very unwell for one month until the mistake was discovered. Medical Negligence Team Law quickly settled my claim and I received 100% of the compensation with no deductions.”

Mr G.W. , Lincolnshire

“I required Tegretol medication for my underlying epilepsy and nocturnal seizure control but my pharmacy gave me something completely different by mistake. As a result after many years of having no seizures I had a number of seizures, a fall and needed time off work. The Medical Negligence Team got me the compensation I deserved including money for lost wages. They also paid 100% of the compensation to me with no deductions.”

Mr J.B., Kent

“Your care and support was outstanding, making me feel supported and reassured and you kept in constant contact with any worries I had explained and swiftly responded to thank you, would recommend highly.”

Mr B.H., Brighton

“Medical Negligence Team Law won my pharmacy negligence claim and I received 100% of the compensation recovered.”

Mr G.P. , South Yorkshire

“Following open surgery in October 2022 I continued to have pain in my wound. It was discovered a piece of drain had been left inside me causing me pain and suffering and the need to have a further surgical procedure to remove it. In June 2023 Medical Negligence Team Law completed my claim and I got 100% compensation awarded. Thank you.”

Mrs B, Hertfordshire

“Medical Negligence Team Law quickly settled my medical negligence claim and I received 100% of the compensation recovered. I would highly recommend them.”

Miss P.R , North Yorkshire

“Our pharmacist gave my husband the incorrect medication and while on holiday and taking the medication my husband became seriously ill. We had to rush home from Spain as a result of this. Medical Negligence Team recovered the costs for our abandoned trip and compensation for the pain my husband endured while he was recovering. They were very friendly, responsive and we received 100% of the compensation with no deductions.”

Mrs A.P., Worksop

“I needed surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. The NHS did the wrong operation first time round and they drained rather than remove the cyst. I then had to have a further operation to do the operation they should have done first time round with significant pain in between as the cyst came back. Medical Negligence Team quickly settled my claim. I received 100% of the compensation and was delighted with the service and communication throughout. They really are medical negligence experts”

Mrs T.S., South Yorkshire

“Medical Negligence Team Law quickly settled my claim. They were friendly and helpful throughout the whole process and above all I received 100% compensation recovered with no deductions.”

Mr S.B., Northamptonshire

“My late father had a fall in hospital breaking his hip which required surgery. The fall was due to a lack of supervision. Medical Negligence Team won our case and got us the compensation we deserved. We received 100% of the compensation recovered. Many thanks to all the team at Medical Negligence Team. Would definitely recommend them.”

Mr D.C., Nottingham

“A leaking IV iron infusion caused permanent staining to my arm. I received £13,000 compensation,100% with no deductions. Would recommend Medical Negligence Team to anyone.”

Mrs R. R., South Yorkshire

“I fractured my wrist and Barts Hospital Trust in London failed to arrange appropriate follow up in the fracture clinic and as a result my surgery was delayed. Medical Negligence Team Law obtained all my medical records and radiology and quickly settled my claim. I received 100% of the compensation recovered with no deductions”

Mrs C.M., London

“Great service and communication from everyone at Medical Negligence Team Law throughout my claim. They handled my claim on a No Win No Fee basis and I received 100% of the compensation recovered.”

Miss A.W , Liverpool

Fatal cancer negligence

Fatal cancer negligence is when a loved one passes away due to the lack of professional care by the GP, oncologist or other medical professional. You trust every medical professional to have a duty of care when treating your loved one, not to cause medical negligence and fail to diagnose cancer.

If they breach that duty of care and your husband, wife, partner or close relative dies due to fatal cancer negligence, you may have a compensation claim.

Fatal cancer negligence can happen with a misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis of any form of cancer, which can cause unnecessary delays in beginning treatment, inaccurate treatment or possibly make it too late to start treatment.

fatal medical negligence

Who can claim fatal cancer negligence compensation?

The loved ones left behind as a result of fatal cancer negligence can claim compensation for the medical negligence. In any medical negligence case, such as that by an oncologist or other cancer doctor, those left behind who can claim are known as ‘dependents.’

The dependants who can claim compensation for cancer negligence can be:

  • A spouse or former spouse of the deceased
  • Someone who lived with the deceased for two years before death as a husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • Blood children, adopted children or those who became children through marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents and those acting as parents, such as a guardian or step-parents
  • Grandparents or great-grandparents
  • Brothers, sisters, cousins, and other direct relatives

The deceased’s family may be able to claim compensation on behalf of the estate for the fatal cancer negligence.

What can those left behind claim for when claiming fatal cancer negligence?

Those left behind can claim compensation for the damages due to the effects on their lives of the fatal cancer negligence today and in the future. The loved one may be a primary income earner for the family or a carer for another family member.

Those left behind may be able to claim for:

  • Mental anguish
  • The economic effects of the death today and in the future
  • The costs of care if the deceased was a carer for a relative
  • Any medical costs due to the negligence, before the death of the loved one
  • Adaptions to the home and car before they passed away
  • Other damages from the fatal negligence, such as loss of income

The dependents of the victim may have a compensation claim, and a No Win No Fee solicitors can guide them through making a claim for fatal cancer negligence.

How much can you claim for fatal cancer negligence?

You can claim compensation in amounts from the low £10,000s to over £10 million for fatal cancer negligence by a GP, oncologist or NHS hospital. 

How much compensation you can claim as a loved one left behind depends on the effects of the fatal cancer negligence on you today and in the future. 

Some claim amounts for fatal cancer negligence:

  • Misdiagnosis skin cancer leads to death of a patient – £107,900
  • Missed early diagnosis of lung cancer leads to death of a patient -£119,700
  • Treatment errors by the oncology team allow cancer to spread – £127,650
  • NHS hospital administration errors cause fatal delays in treatment – £180,000
  • Errors in cancer testing cause a missed diagnosis of liver cancer – £260,400

(All amounts are approximate and are only a guide to what is possible in any cancer negligence claim. Figures can be high in some claims as you or a loved one could need long-term care, and you may face medical bills for life due to errors in treating cancer or errors in diagnosing your cancer.)

Using a No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor

Using a No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor is the only way to a successful compensation claim for cancer negligence.

The medical negligence solicitor will have experience dealing with the NHS and insurance companies when handling your cancer negligence claim. They will know the causes of cancer negligence, discover who caused the medical negligence in your treatment, and the effects of any negligence by a medical professional. 

Your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitors will handle your compensation claim when you suffer cancer negligence and know how to make it a successful compensation claim. 

Always have a fee agreement in place before engaging a medical negligence solicitor. If they start talking of a ‘win fee’ or a ‘success fee,’ you should walk away. The negligent party insurers should pay all fees. 

The medical negligence solicitor should also operate a 100% Compensation Guarantee scheme. When you win the case, all the money awarded should go to you, not the solicitor. A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will not charge for unsuccessful cancer negligence claims. 

You are the one who experienced the cancer negligence, and you deserve the compensation to get your life back to normal.

Using a No Win No Fee solicitor

How long do I have to make a claim for cancer negligence?

You have three years to make a claim for cancer negligence. All medical negligence claims are subject to limitation periods.

For example, in England and Wales, medical negligence cases for cancer negligence must generally be brought and court proceedings issued within three years of the injury or three years of knowledge of the facts giving rise to the claim.

If someone has passed away due to a breach of duty of care by a medical professional leading to cancer negligence, it is the date of death if the limitation period has not expired by that time.

Children not under a disability typically have until they reach 21 to start a medical negligence claim or court proceedings.

Persons with a disability, who lack capacity, are not subject to any limitation period.

Schedule A Call

If you have been a victim of any form of medical negligence? We specialise in pursuing damages against negligent healthcare providers. 

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of medical negligence professionals.

Will I have to go to court with a cancer negligence claim?

No, you are very unlikely to have to go to court with a cancer negligence claim.

The majority of cases are settled well before there is a need for court action, and NHS Resolution will see most cases are dealt with, in conjunction with your solicitor, before a referral to court by either side.

Cancer negligence can cause you and your family a lot of distress, and if you discover the errors could be due to poor treatment by a medical professional, you will want answers and compensation for the effects of the cancer negligence.

Your solicitor will want to keep the medical negligence claim out of court and get it settled in your favour as quickly as possible.

If your claim is one of the very few cases that do go to court, it will be handled by your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor.

Contact The Medical Negligence Team

Contact the Medical Negligence Team today to discuss your claim for cancer negligence. You suffered from the effects of the misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis or poor medical treatment with your cancer, and you may be able to claim compensation for the medical negligence. 

At the Medical Negligence Team, we fight every compensation claim on a No Win No Fee basis, and you will not be out of pocket for an unsuccessful claim. We have both the legal and medical experts to guide you along the steps to a successful claim for cancer negligence compensation. 

We have a very high success rate and a reputation for a speedy and successful resolution to medical specialist negligence claims. 

Our 100% Compensation Guarantee puts all the money you win into your pocket. You may have a compensation claim if you experience cancer negligence, such as a missed diagnosis of stomach cancer, a misdiagnosis of liver cancer or errors in treating skin cancer. 

Contact us at the Medical Negligence Team, and let us handle your claim for cancer negligence compensation today.

speak to a medical negligence expert today