A radiology negligence claim seeks compensation for the lack of professional care from a radiologist or radiologic technician. You could have a radiology negligence claim for compensation if your health or that of a loved one suffers due to errors in your treatment.
A radiologist plays an essential part in your diagnosis and treatment of many conditions. If they make an error through medical negligence, it could affect your life today and in the future.
When a radiologic technician makes an error, it could affect your ability to work, drive even your ability to live an independent life. The hospital negligence of a radiologist performing at a low level of professional service can cost someone their life.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can make your claim for radiology negligence and win you the compensation you deserve.

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What is Radiology?
Radiology is a medical speciality which uses imagery such as X-Ray, CT scanning, MRI, and Ultrasound to isolate and diagnose conditions in the body. Radiology can diagnose a tumour, a cancerous growth, broken bones, and abnormalities in the brain.
The radiology is performed by a radiologic technician, who operates the scanning machine and produces the test results.
The interpretation of the test results is the work of a radiologist. A radiologist reads the test results and provides a report for doctors and surgeons dealing with the patient.
A radiologic technician and a radiologist are trained medical professionals. It is their job to scan the patient, produce an accurate report and guide doctors in making a diagnosis.
If the radiologic technician or radiologist makes a medical negligence error, it could make for a radiology negligence claim.
What is radiology negligence?
Radiology negligence is when you receive less than professional care from a radiologist or radiologic technician. You may suffer radiology negligence when you have a scan or X-Ray on your body to try and diagnose an illness or condition and determine any possible treatment.
Medical negligence is medical care below that any other medical professional acting at an acceptable level would provide. With radiology negligence, you could suffer a misdiagnosis, a missed diagnosis, go on the wrong course of treatment or get the all-clear when you are ill.
The radiology negligence could cause a doctor to miss your slight fracture or see a minor issue develop into a condition that lasts many years.
Your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid radiology negligence claim for compensation.
Common radiology negligence claims
The common radiology negligence claims seek compensation for errors in operating equipment to mistakes in interpreting scan readings.
You expect professional treatment and trust in your radiology team to deliver an acceptable level of medical care. To receive less than a professional level of medical treatment may be radiology negligence.
Common radiology negligence claims are:

Misdiagnosis from reading the results of a scan
A misdiagnosis from reading the results of a scan is medical negligence by a radiologist. The radiology technician makes the MRI or CT scan according to the request from a consultant or doctor. The radiologist misreads the scan and sends an erroneous report to the team.
The medical negligence could lead to misdiagnosing a tumour as a benign cyst or a serious ankle break as a torn ligament.
Errors in the making of a scan
Errors in the making of a scan can be due to negligence by the radiologic technician or incorrectly calibrated equipment for the ordered scan. In some cases, the radiology negligence may be compounded by a combination of the two.
The technician may scan the wrong arm or the liver instead of the kidneys. Medical negligence can also happen if the MRI or CT scan does read correctly and gives an all-clear where there is an issue.
Missed diagnosis from a scan
The missed diagnosis from a scan or X-Ray is when a radiologist misses the signs of a medical issue and gives an inaccurate report to the team handling the case.
The radiologist could misread a brain scan and produce a report giving the patient the all-clear when there are the beginnings of an issue are visible on the scan but not acted upon.
A radiologist could miss a cancerous growth on an MRI scan, which delays treatment for the patient and is a clear case of medical negligence.
Errors in the communication of scan results
Errors in the communication of scan results can happen when the correct report protocols are not followed, or they are not put into place in the hospital.
The radiologist may forget to produce a report, produce a report of a poor standard or not produce a report and only give a verbal communication to the medical team.
Radiology negligence often comes from a breakdown in communication between hospital staff, and it is the patient who suffers.
Wrong patient scan errors
Wrong patient scan errors should not happen, but they can happen in a hospital with a poor standard of communication between teams.
The consultant orders a scan for a patient, but the wrong patient details are sent to the radiology department. Patient X receives a scan meant for Patient Y, who gets an all-clear while their condition worsens.
Wrong patient scan error is radiology negligence, and you can claim for compensation.
Poorly maintained scanning equipment
Poorly-maintained scanning equipment will give erroneous readings and is a clear sign of medical negligence by the hospital.
The radiologic technician may not be aware the scanning equipment is reading wrongly and may produce many inaccurate reports for the radiologist.
A poorly-maintained MRI, X-Ray or CT scan could miss the signs of cancer or even a simple leg break.
When you experience radiology negligence due to any one of the many possible errors, your health could deteriorate, and it may take even more time to diagnose your illness.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can take your case and seek compensation for injuries due to the radiology negligence at the hospital.
Radiology report negligence
Radiology report negligence is where many critical mistakes happen in a patient’s medical treatment. Decisions are made based on the radiology report, and any errors can cost time in treating what could be a life-threatening condition.
The radiologist compiles the radiology report according to the MRI, CT scan, or X-Ray results.
Radiology report negligence can happen if:
When the radiologist produces a report with errors, it can be the beginning of a long trail of medical negligence. Cancers may be missed, kidney problems misdiagnosed, and broken bones, given the all-clear.
Your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid claim for radiology negligence compensation.
Our Process
Our team members have a higher career win rate with a 75% success rate on NHS letters of claim, compared to an industry average of 54.5%.
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 246 1122 or request a callback here.
Medical Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. Typically the next step is to obtain your medical records for us to review.
Legal Letter
Once all your medical records have been received they will be reviewed by a medically & legally qualified member of our team. If there is evidence of negligence we will send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your compensation claim.
Compensation for radiology negligence claims
You can seek compensation for radiology medical negligence claims in amounts from the low £10,000s to over £10 million in some cases.
The compensation varies depending on several factors, and radiology negligence claims sometimes see very high awards, such as when misdiagnosis leads to amputation or a lifetime of unnecessary suffering and chronic pain.
Compensation amounts in radiology negligence claims can be:

All amounts are approximate and are only a guide to what is possible in radiology negligence claims. Figures can be high in some claims as you or a loved one could need long-term care and may face medical bills for life. You claim for these care expenses and the medical costs in the future.
As in all medical negligence claims, each case is dealt with on merit and how much the patient suffers due to radiology complications.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will be the one to advise you on a radiology negligence claim. They will know from experience what your case may be worth and how to make a successful claim.
Your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will handle your radiology negligence claim for compensation and for all damages incurred.
Who is eligible for compensation?
The patient who suffers from complications due to radiology negligence may be eligible for compensation. They are the ones who have suffered, and the clear medical negligence could lead to their cancer or other condition getting a lot worse.
If a patient passes away due to the condition missed in the radiology negligence, the ones left behind may have a claim for radiology negligence.
Loved ones in a medical negligence case are known as ‘dependents’ and can be:
When you are a victim of radiology negligence or have lost a loved one through radiology negligence, you may have a claim for compensation.
What can you claim for when you sue for radiology negligence?
You can claim compensation for any damages that occurred when you sue for radiology negligence.
There are two types of compensation damages due when suing for any type of medical negligence: General damages and Special damages.

General damages
General damages are when you sue for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity, PSLA, you have experienced due to negligence.
Pain is that above what is normally expected for your procedure.
Suffering is the inconvenience and changes to your life that cause you discomfort.
Loss of Amenity is any difficulty you have in doing everyday tasks, such as walking, sitting, playing sports, and sleeping.
Special damages
Special damages include loss of earnings, future care costs, and out-of-pocket expenses.
Loss of earnings includes compensation for time off work and any reduction of your income in the future.
Future care costs are for any care you will need as a result of medical negligence.
Out-of-pocket expenses cover medical appointments, travel, accommodation, and meals.
Be sure to keep payslips, receipts, and proof of any losses you experience due to the medical negligence.
You deserve compensation to cover all losses, including loss of life, medical costs, and long-term care needs.
When you or a loved one suffers from the effects of radiology negligence, you make a claim for radiology negligence compensation.
Who is responsible for a radiology negligence claim?
A medical professional is responsible for any radiology negligence claims. When you bring a claim for radiology negligence, you claim against the NHS Trust or private clinic that employed the medical professional responsible.
A medical professional responsible for the radiology negligence could be:

Every medical professional owes you a duty of care when dealing with your health problems. You may suffer radiology negligence if they are negligent with that duty of care and do not provide you with a professional service before an operation.
Medical negligence is treatment below an acceptable standard by a medical professional. Instead of putting the care needed into reading the scans, the radiologist has missed your cancer or diagnosed a broken leg as a torn muscle, which is clear medical negligence.
You may need to undergo years of treatment to correct the errors of radiology negligence. By behaving less-than-professionally, the doctor risks your health, and the effects could be with you for life.
You can claim compensation for the radiology negligence and to get help with getting your life back on track again.
Effects of radiology negligence
The effects of radiology negligence can range from developing cancer to a broken bone setting at the wrong angle. The effects may be with you for life or could delay the treatment, which could save you months and years of stress and anguish.
Some effects of radiology negligence:
The effects of radiology negligence can lead to stress for family members and years of living with a condition that could have been treated quicker if diagnosed earlier.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor may make a compensation claim to seek damages for the effects of the radiology negligence.
What are the steps involved in making a radiology negligence claim?
The steps involved in making a radiology negligence claim go from seeking medical advice to issuing court proceedings.
The steps are a part of any successful compensation case, and settlement can happen at any stage in the process.
Your medical negligence solicitor will do the rest when you follow the steps correctly and gather all the facts and figures.

100% Compensation
If your claim wins we will pay you 100% of the compensation with no deductions. You get 100% every penny with no deductions. New claims only with no previous solicitors.
No Win, No Fee
If your claim wins our costs are paid by the negligent party so you get paid 100% of the compensation recovered.
Our Expert Team
Our Dr Anthony Barton edits the leading book “Clinical Negligence”. Anthony and his wife Penelope (a GP) have a combined sixty years of medical and legal experience.
How long do I have to make a claim for radiology negligence?
You have three years to make a claim for radiology negligence. All medical negligence claims are subject to limitation periods.
For example, in England and Wales, medical negligence claims must generally be brought and court proceedings issued within three years of the injury or three years of knowledge of the facts giving rise to the radiology negligence claim.
If someone has passed away, it is the date of death if the limitation period has not expired at the date of death.
Children not under a disability typically have until they reach 21 to start a radiology negligence claim or court proceedings.
Persons with a disability, who lack capacity, are not subject to any limitation period.
Can I make a medical negligence claim on behalf of a loved one?
Yes, you can make a medical negligence claim on behalf of a loved one. Under UK law, if an injured party cannot represent themselves, then a loved one can take the case on their behalf.
Radiology negligence is a perfect example of claiming on behalf of a loved one. The negligence could take a loved one’s life or leave them unable to make a claim.
Your loved one depends wholly on you and the family for care and to fight for their rights. By making a claim on their behalf for radiology negligence, you are fighting for the compensation they deserve.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will work with you to win the compensation claim for radiology negligence.

Using a No Win No Fee solicitor
Using a No Win No Fee solicitor is the only way to a successful radiology negligence compensation claim. Your No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor will not charge you for a claim you do not win.
Always have a fee agreement in place before engaging a medical negligence solicitor. If they start talking of a ‘win fee’ or a ‘success fee,’ you should walk away. The negligent party insurers should pay all fees.
The medical negligence solicitor should also operate a 100% Compensation Guarantee scheme. When you win the case, all the money awarded should go to you, not the solicitor.
You are the one who suffered the radiology negligence, and you deserve the compensation to get your life back to normal.

Can I make a medical negligence claim against the NHS?
Yes, you can make a medical negligence claim against the NHS. Suing the NHS for negligence is not unusual. People sue the NHS for compensation for medical negligence and receive the money they deserve for the negligent treatment.
There are between 8,000 and 10,000 successful medical negligence claims against the NHS each year—amounts in compensation claims awarded against the NHS range from £1000 to over £10 million.
The amount of compensation you receive covers minor injuries such as scarring to serious life-threatening negligence, which leaves you with long-term care needs.
We trust in and use the NHS daily and do not expect negligence. It happens, though, and the NHS has a dedicated team to handle medical negligence compensation claims, called NHS resolution.
NHS Resolution has a responsibility to treat patients who seek compensation fairly. Patients pay for the NHS through their taxes, and for that they deserve respect and the best medical treatment.
Contact The Medical Negligence Team
Contact the Medical Negligence Team today to discuss your radiology negligence claim for compensation. We have both the legal and medical experts to guide you along the steps to a successful medical negligence claim for compensation.
At the Medical Negligence Team, we fight every compensation claim on a No Win No Fee basis. You will not be out of pocket for an unsuccessful claim.
We have a very high success rate and a reputation for a speedy and successful resolution to all medical negligence cases.
Our 100% Compensation Guarantee puts all the money you win into your pocket. You or your loved one suffered radiology negligence and deserve every penny of the compensation claim.
Contact us at the Medical Negligence Team for all your medical negligence needs.