Cosmetic surgery negligence claims come from substandard treatment by your doctor. Types of cosmetic surgery claims include scarring, nerve damage and poor outcomes to corrective procedures.
You undergo cosmetic surgery to improve your looks and self-confidence, not to suffer damage and embarrassment. Laser surgery can burn your skin, while Botox injections may lead to nerve damage, and liposuction to a perforated bowel.
There are plenty more examples of cosmetic surgery claims in medical negligence. If you suffered cosmetic surgery problems, you may be due compensation.

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Can I sue for compensation for negligent cosmetic surgery?
Yes, you can sue for compensation for negligent cosmetic surgery. Once you feel the cosmetic surgery was below an expected quality, you should take action. If you do not take a claim for the negligent treatment, what is to stop it from happening to someone else?
Negligent cosmetic surgery can have terrible, long-term effects. To put it right, you may require further surgery and maybe years of treatments. You will need to claim cosmetic surgery compensation to cover costs, afford corrective surgery and restore your self-confidence.
What types of cosmetic surgery negligence qualify you for compensation?
Included on any list of cosmetic surgery compensation claims are rhinoplasty, lip filler, ear reshaping, brow lift and scar removal.
Any body part capable of having corrective surgery can suffer from cosmetic surgery damage. The list of cosmetic treatments is a long one, and the above are only some of the cosmetic surgery compensation claims seen every day.
Other types of cosmetic surgery claims include:
Cosmetic surgery goes wrong, but you can claim compensation.

A cosmetic Procedure to improve your confidence
Cosmetic surgery can be an excellent way to boost your confidence. You are unhappy with some aspect of your body, and after years of hiding it, you decide to take action.
A body issue can result from an accident, be a problem since birth or of a long-term medical condition. A scar on your face, excess body fat you can’t lose or even premature balding are corrected by cosmetic surgery.
Other cosmetic surgery claims
Breast surgery, a neck lift, scar revision and reduction, and eye bag surgery are good examples of confidence-boosting cosmetic surgery. When your cosmetic surgeon, who is a medical professional after all, provides negligent treatment, they are responsible.
Whatever your cosmetic surgery needs, you should not suffer as a result. You should claim compensation to put the botched cosmetic surgery right.
Don’t suffer in silence
You should not suffer in silence. Cosmetic surgery claims give patients a voice to highlight was has happened.
If all you have after cosmetic surgery is pain and embarrassment, then you have a valid compensation claim. The medical negligence is not your fault. Seeking to claim compensation for cosmetic surgery is your right.
Suffering in silence for the rest of your life is not an option. If you are unhappy with the results of your cosmetic surgery, then you deserve redress.
Legal action is the next step when the cosmetic surgeon’s work leaves you in pain and discomfort.
Make a cosmetic surgery negligence claim
As in all medical negligence claims, it is up to you to take any legal action. The damage is done to you or a loved one, and the sooner you launch the cosmetic surgery claims process, the better.
By taking action you will receive the money you need to fix the cosmetic surgery error. You will also be helping to prevent it from happening to other people. Cosmetic surgery negligence can leave people scarred for life, but personal injury claims help fix that clinical negligence.
How to make cosmetic surgery negligence claim?
Getting specialist legal advice is the first step in launching a cosmetic surgery claim.
Only by accessing the best legal advice can you know you are in the right hands. Cosmetic surgery claims need medical negligence solicitors to process the case fully.
The solicitors will have the experience to advise and guide through the legal maze.

Do not be a lone ranger
Do not take a cosmetic surgery compensation claim on your own. You can rest assured that the cosmetic surgery clinic or surgeon will have a top team by their side. Do not make the mistake of thinking you can take them on and win.
Get your cosmetic surgery negligence claim right from day one. Appointing a team of cosmetic surgery solicitors is an obvious first step.
Our Process
Our team members have a higher career win rate with a 75% success rate on NHS letters of claim, compared to an industry average of 54.5%.
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 246 1122 or request a callback here.
Medical Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. Typically the next step is to obtain your medical records for us to review.
Legal Letter
Once all your medical records have been received they will be reviewed by a medically & legally qualified member of our team. If there is evidence of negligence we will send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your compensation claim.
How personal injury claims work
When you make contact with us we will call you for a free consultation. At the meeting, our team will listen to your case and outline how the procedure works.
Medical records
The first step is to seek your permission for the solicitors to access your medical records. They will then go through the notes and see exactly what happened and when it happened to you.
Medical notes do not lie, and often the cosmetic surgery claim becomes obvious very quickly.
Examination by an independent medical professional
Once the cosmetic surgery solicitors see where the medical negligence lies, they will usually ask you to see a trusted doctor or cosmetic surgeon. The independent medical expert will give you a full examination and confirm your medical negligence claim.
If the medical professional confirms clinical negligence with your cosmetic surgery, the claims process will begin in earnest.

The next steps in the claim compensation process
The next step is for your personal injury solicitors to make contact with the cosmetic surgeon, private clinic or hospital.
They will have a team of solicitors to deal with the compensation for cosmetic surgery. If they admit to your claims, then an agreement on compensation can happen quickly. If there is any dispute, the compensation for cosmetic surgery claim will head to court.
Claiming compensation for cosmetic surgery should not be difficult. The cosmetic surgery negligence is usually obvious, and your scars, medical evidence and expert advice, will support your compensation claims.
What to check before you commit to a cosmetic surgery claim
The first thing to check is that your legal team is approved by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Rogue companies are only in it to make money out of you, regardless of the outcome of the claim.
There are stories of people owing more money than they receive when they claim compensation.
How about the legal fees?
You should not have to pay legal fees when you win a case for cosmetic surgery negligence. Ask the company if they run a No Win No Fee policy? If they do not, you should walk away. A fee agreement should be obvious and not something to discuss later.
No Win No Fee Agreement
A No Win No Fee agreement protects you from exposure to crippling legal fees. Your personal injury solicitors should be confident in your case and advise you on how to win it.
Any fee agreement should include a complete schedule and outline the costs of the claim process from day one.
Financial risk should not be on your shoulders.

How much compensation can you claim?
A compensation claim can be for the £1,000s up to and including more than £1m. Any money won is to pay for fixing the negligent surgery, cover all expenses and any loss of earnings.
Maximum compensation gives you money for pain suffered, inconvenience and all further embarrassment. It will also cover you for treatment in the future and any other cosmetic procedure related to the negligence claim.
The amount of compensation you claim depends on how much is needed to fix the wrongs done to you.
Keep all Receipts
You should keep all receipts for costs in pursuing a cosmetic surgery negligence claim. Everything from doctors’ fees, travels cost, overnight stays, taxis and meals when away from home are included as out-of-pocket expenses.
The receipts are part of your compensation for cosmetic surgery. If you hadn’t suffered cosmetic surgery negligence, then you wouldn’t be out-of-pocket.
Ask your solicitor for advice on all costs.

Are there time limits to a cosmetic surgery claim?
Yes, and you have three years to claim compensation for cosmetic surgery. It is the same time limit for any medical negligence case.
The three years begin from the day you realise you suffered negligent cosmetic surgery. It could be more than three years since you had the medical procedure, but you claim from when the signs became apparent.
It is not unusual for symptoms of negligent medical treatment to come to light after three years. Do not be put off claiming compensation by time limits.
Contact us
At The Medical Negligence Team we are here to help you with your cosmetic surgery claims. It may be embarrassing to you, but cosmetic surgery negligence claims come in all shapes and sizes. We have seen it all at this stage.
Our expert medical and legal experience will guide you through the process. We have a unique 100% compensation promise that guarantees all the money won goes to you. After all, you are the one who suffered the clinical negligence.
We also have a No Win No Fee policy that protects you when a claim is unsuccessful.
Contact us today for all your medical negligence needs.